What is Chiropractic Massage Therapy?

What Is Chiropractic Massage Therapy?

Chiropractors are best known for administering controlled, forceful adjustments that realign the spine. If you were recently in an accident, your chiropractor can work on your body to address any misalignments that have emerged.

We may know chiropractors best for those spinal adjustments, but they can offer useful services beyond them. For example, you should consider booking an appointment with a chiropractor if you want to try chiropractic massage therapy.

At first, it can be difficult to distinguish a regular chiropractic care session from one that involves massage therapy. Since they both involve the chiropractor working closely on the body, they may appear like very similar forms of treatment.

However, there is a crucial difference when it comes to the focal points of the aforementioned treatment methods.

During a typical chiropractic care session, the chiropractor will focus mainly on your spine and your joints. They will work on adjusting and realigning those parts of your body with the goal of helping you feel better.

Chiropractic massage therapy is different because it focuses on the muscles and the soft tissues. Your chiropractor will gently massage those parts of your body to provide pain relief. Because chiropractors know the human body very well, they can pinpoint specific areas to maximize the effects of massage therapy.

Contact Dr. Luecken of Peter G. Luecken, D.C., F.A.C.C. in Lynbrook, NY and give chiropractic massage therapy a try.

What Are the Benefits of Undergoing Chiropractic Massage Therapy?

Chiropractic massage therapy is not completely similar to the massage you may get at your local spa. That’s mainly because chiropractors know how to manipulate your body in such a way that maximizes relief. They can target tension bundles and release them so you can relax better.

The type of massage therapy conducted by a chiropractor also improves range of motion. If your shoulders grew stiff due to a recent accident, your chiropractor can use massage therapy to correct that issue.

Massage therapy also promotes faster recovery. A chiropractor can stimulate faster recovery by massaging the ailing parts of your body. This form of therapy can also be an excellent entry point into chiropractic care for those who have never experienced it before. More people are comfortable with chiropractic massage therapy because of the gentler approach chiropractors utilize while administering it. 

Call 516-424-4499 and book a chiropractic massage therapy appointment with Dr. Luecken of Peter G. Luecken, D.C., F.A.C.C. in Lynbrook, NY.


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Dr. Peter Luecken

120 Broadway

Lynbrook, NY 11563 United States



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9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm



