Back Pain Treatments

Are you experiencing chronic back pain? Have you experienced an injury that has affected mobility in your back? Chronic back pain can be an immensely debilitating issue that can affect one’s ability to work, enjoy activities, and engage in healthy sleep habits. Chiropractic care is an excellent modality for addressing chronic back pain and other common ailments such as neck pain, headaches, leg pain, disc injuries, and sciatica. If you live near Lynbrook, New York, make an appointment with Dr. Peter G. Luecken, a holistic spinal health specialist who offers quality, compassionate care for a number of physical symptoms. 

About Dr. Luecken

Dr. Luecken practices traditional hands-on chiropractic techniques and uses cutting-edge technology with computer-assisted pulsed instruments for chiropractic adjusting and manipulation. Dr. Luecken practices physical and functional medicine and believes the future of medicine resides in the integrated approach of traditional, alternative, and complementary health care. Dr. Luecken combines medical and chiropractic care with physiotherapy, massage, and therapeutic nutrition in one convenient location, and provides well-communicated coordination of care that is safer, quicker, and less expensive with better results! 

Back Pain Treatments

Back pain can be caused by a bulging or herniated disc as well as spinal degeneration, muscular strain, osteoporosis, arthritis, degenerative disc disease, or injury from sports or car accidents. Dr. Lueken offers a range of back pain treatments in his office in Lynbrook, New York. During your first appointment, Dr. Luecken will conduct a comprehensive overview of your lifestyle, stresses, chronic conditions, and current symptoms. Dr. Luecken offers spinal adjustments and manipulation, which can involve either gentle maneuvering of the body or force and twisting to create the optimal realignment of the spine. Improvements to your spinal health and vertebrae alignment can enhance circulation and reduce inflammation and pain in the back muscles. 

Other treatments for back pain can include spinal decompression, an advanced technology that has proven to be highly successful in treating back pain. Spinal decompression utilizes computer technology to design individualized treatments to help herniated or bulging discs heal and bring them back into vertebrae alignment with the spine. Spinal decompression also relieves pressure on the nerves, which can contribute to back pain. Dr. Luecken also offers massage therapy, acupressure, therapeutic ultrasound, and electrical stimulation therapy, all of which can holistically help reduce and heal chronic back pain.

If you are interested in back pain treatments near Lynbrook, New York, make an appointment with Dr. Luecken today. Contact the office and begin your journey to wellness! (516) 424-4499



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Our Location

120 Broadway | Lynbrook NY, 11563


Dr. Peter Luecken

120 Broadway

Lynbrook, NY 11563 United States



9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm



